Jupyter Notebooks, RStudio, and More with FAS OnDemand

Beginning with the Fall 2023 term, up-to-date information on service options and requests can be found on the Academic Computing page.

Launched directly from Canvas, FAS OnDemand gives students access to Jupyter Notebooks and RStudio, as well as applications like Abaqus, Autodesk, Solidworks, COMSOL Multiphysics, Lumerical, and Matlab. It is hosted by Harvard’s FAS Research Computing group (FAS RC) and collaboratively supported by both FAS RC and FAS Academic Technology.

A typical FAS OnDemand Jupyter Notebooks installation comes with a Python 3 jupyter kernel and common data science packages such as numpy, scipy, seaborn, pandas, bokeh, and matplotlib, among others. 

An FAS OnDemand RStudio installation is available for R 4.0.3 and comes preinstalled with common packages such as ggplot2, corrplot, devtools, learnr, as well as the complete Tidyverse collection of R packages. 

Custom configurations are also available based on the specific packages you need for your course.

For more information about using FAS OnDemand, please refer to our FAS OnDemand user guide.




See also: LTI