Academic Computing Services for FAS Courses

To request access to one of these services for your 2023-24 course, please fill out the FAS Academic Compute Request Form

Provisioning of services will begin in early January. 
Spring 2024 requests are due by January 16, 2024. 

The following academic computing services are currently available to FAS courses:

Python/Jupyter Notebooks

FAS Academic Technology's JupyterHub service can be tailored to the needs of a course. The standard Python build is based on the scipy-notebook Docker image from Jupyter, and includes common data science packages like numpy, scipy, seaborn, pandas, bokeh, matplotlib, and more.

RStudio Courses using RStudio can request access to the vendor-provided service from Posit (formerly RStudio Cloud).
HPC Resources via Open OnDemand

Access to high-performance compute resources can be provided through HUIT Open OnDemand. This platform uses slurm for compute job management, and can be used to provide access to Linux-based command line and remote desktop applications.

Please contact FAS Academic Technology at for more information.