SEAS Computing and Academic Technology for FAS Launch JupyterHub Canvas Integration

October 23, 2017
As of Fall 2020, LTI JupyterHub has been replaced by FAS OnDemand, a service providing Jupyter Notebooks and RStudio which is supported by FAS Research Computing and AT-FAS

Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that provides users with a ready-to-go web-based environment for interactive computing. It offers the necessary software tools to develop, document, and execute code, and allows the exporting of code or its output in multiple formats, including HTML and PDF. 

SEAS Computing and Academic Technology for FAS are now offering a JupyterHub solution that allows for this consistent environment to be made accessible to all students in a course. Because the application is set up by SEAS / AT–FAS and integrated with Canvas, students don’t have to install the software themselves; instead, they can concentrate on course content from the first day of classes.

Each JupyterHub implementation can be created with custom configuration depending on the requirements of the course. Multiple kernels can be installed, allowing students to work in languages like Python 2, Python 3, or R.

Packages can also be preconfigured for students. For example, the SEAS course, CS109a, had a JupyterHub instance pre-configured to include the latest version of Anaconda, an open source Python and R distribution that includes all of the major data science packages.

If you are interested in piloting Jupyter Hub, SEAS Computing and AT–FAS can provide consultative support to help provide a JupyterHub implementation that fits your needs.

Demba Ba, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Bioengineering at Harvard's John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, discusses the benefits of JupyterHub and the SEAS/AT–FAS Jupyter installation.
See also: ATG News