
Ali Asani: Creative Interpretation Assignments

Ali Asani: Creative Interpretation Assignments

February 1, 2012

Students in this Culture and Belief class were asked to interpret class discussions and readings in an artistic way. This included song, dance performance, poem, sculpture, painting, or even a short story. Artifacts were uploaded into an online portfolio that could be shared outside of the classroom and that was accessible to students after they left the class.

Exploring The African City

Exploring The African City

April 22, 2013

In African and African American Studies 174: The African City, students engaged with historic and present-day cities in Africa by examining architecture, city planning, spatial framing, popular culture, and art markets.

The course website was intended to:

  • Provide students with a venue to continue lecture and section discussions after leaving the classroom
  • Allow students to create a multimedia response project instead of (or as a complement to) traditional written responses and papers
  • Include a multimedia repository of videos and maps that enhances...
Read more about Exploring The African City